Why We Take Your Pet To The Treatment Area

Hey there! It's ****** again.

At time of an ER triage, pet owners will often take issue with the two things.

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The first is our client form.

By reading our client form you give the doctor permission to examine your pet, it deems you financially responsible and states that if you don't claim your pet within 24 hours it is considered abandonment.

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We also talk about being granted the right to publish or post still photographs on social media. This is what mostly confuses and annoys clients. Our vet has a site on Facebook and sometimes we'll post pictures of patients. Sometimes we have a photographer that comes in and goes around taking pictures for own personal website. We never post names, information or anything that may be distressing to viewers.

If this makes you uncomfortable, we can strike out the paragraph that gives us this right. We're not actively out to take pictures of your pets keep in mind.

The second is that we ask to take your pet into the back to take your pets vitals and make sure they're stable.

"Can I go with you?"

No, you cannot.

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Why you ask?

There are critical patients in the treatment area. Potentially dying patients in the treatment area. We are not going to subject you to that if we don't have to.

"But they're like our children!"

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Yes. Believe me, nobody is going to understand that more than a vet clinic.

However please keep in mind that any patient has the potential to bite. Even if that is not their typical mentation.

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If the pet is stable and is doing well, we will bring the pet back up to you until the doctor is available to speak with you.

It has nothing to do with mad science experiments or trying to keep your pet away from you or even trying to do treatment without your permission.

We just want to make sure every patient whether staying in the ICU or just coming in, is contained and calm. We want the same for the owners... Even if they don't want to be.

Remember, this is your pet. Not ours.

Not having clients walking around in the treatment area is a standard safety procedure. If you're not comfortable being seen by the doctor in accordance with our safety procedures, you always have the option to go to another clinic. :)

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