We Judge Puppy Mills, Not the Puppies

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At the surface, a pet shop can be a rite of passage for 18 year old teens who can finally play with the window shop puppies. 

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Beyond these windows however, lies an industry built on inbreeding and puppy mills and animals as assets rather than beings of life.

Brand new puppy owners tend to come through the ER just as frequently as the oldest of pet owners. 

Sick puppies and their owners are usually taken straight into the isolation exam room. This way, we can prevent the spread of infectious diseases such as Parvo.

Parvovirus is common in puppies which can be most bluntly characterized by vomiting and diarrhea. 

Quite a few Parvo positive puppies have come from the pet shops. Some new owners had no idea, some have a guilty look on their face.

"...We got him from a pet shop."

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It's okay! Puppy mills are not held in a high regard in the vet field, yes, it is true.

However we're not going to hold it against you for getting a puppy from a puppy mill.

After all, they're still puppies, they still need love and care.

Just be prepared though... A Parvo positive puppy is not a vacation. They require more treatment than the usual patient. Just something to keep in mind.

Breeders and puppy mills have a million and ways to get it wrong. And they do! Shady paperwork and all. We get it. Some of us in the vet field have pets from puppy mills and less than breeders.

If you bring a puppy mill into the ER for treatment, the last thing you have to feel is embarrassment.

We're just glad you're seeking treatment for your pet and not letting them suffer. :)

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