5 Reasons Why The Vet Field is a Terrible Place to Work

Hello everyone, it's ****** again.

While vets, vet techs, vet assistants and vet employees alike all work to better the health of animals, there must be some tea spilled about the vet field.

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That's right I said it. The vet field is awful! Puppies may be on a better road in health but you on the other hand can just kiss your sanity goodbye.

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Let's break it down shall we? Here are five reasons why the veterinary field is a horrible place of occupation.

#5- There will ALWAYS be a mess to clean up.
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It is inevitable. Around every corner, there is always an accident of some kind that needs to be taken care of. Some days you will ask yourself "How did that get on the ceiling?"

If you're in the vet field and you're not regularly cleaning up a mess of some kind... Then you're not doing job correctly. Speaking of not doing you're job correctly...

#4- Terrible employees are not exempt here.
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Lazy. Entitled. Hustler. Just straight up cranky. These people all exist in the vet field. They can take form of a doctor, vet tech, vet assistant, anyone! Quite often, they will make more work for everyone else versus what they can accomplish on their own.

This could easily be applied to any workplace but here, you get the added annoyance of hearing them say "I work at a vet! I save lives" *CRINGE*

#3- EVERYONE is a Know It All.
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Since everyone is on a different page as far as a level of veterinary medicine, you constantly see staff trying to one up another. A power struggle indeed.

The best thing you can do here is worry about your own work and to not engage.

How foolish someone can look by trying to look so smarty pants. Ha. Irony.

#2- Death
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Death is inevitable in this line of work. It can illicit all kinds of emotions. Most importantly, you have to be prepared for it at anytime. And to always remember, that it's a part of life.

#1- Working out finances with clients. No. Just NO.
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Time of service is a terrible time. The concept that you have to pay for services performed is not as easy to grasp for some.

We're an ER vet. We can get expensive. So people have no problem screaming in your face and telling you how terrible you are for even asking them for money. Choosing not to pay also puts in everyone in a GREAT position. Not. Working out financial difficulties is just peachy.

My absolute least favorite part of my job and it's probably the biggest part of it.

So I know I just bashed the veterinary field a ton... but there's a reason I still work in this field. There's a reason why all vets don't quit and live under rocks. There's a reason why veterinary practices don't all burn to the ground.

Because the veterinary field is actually a great place to work.

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Yes! It's a truly rewarding, unique and always interesting experience. Yes, there are the inevitable bumps in the road. Some employees are truly diamonds in the rough. Some pets recover 100% and are reunited with their owners. Some clients are truly wonderful pet owners and could not be more understanding. Sometimes the vet field is an above and beyond in terms of work and life value.

When all is said and done, the terrible times just become something you look back on and laugh at.

Also, let's not forget these guys.

Image result for puppies and kittens


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