Canine Breed Stereotypes

What did the Corgi's owner say to the Dachshund's owner at the dog park?

"Hey, your wiener is hanging out."

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...Sorry... I had to.

QUICK UPDATE: Remember that Lab I told you about that survived a house fire? Well, he's still with us and is making a slow yet stable recovery. I can't disclose too much but he's been doing much better since he was first brought in and his owner is visiting frequently. Hopefully he can go home soon.

Any who, today I wanted to talk about a topic that is more prevalent than anyone would like to admit: Breed stereotypes.

If you've worked in the vet field, you may see a tech grab a muzzle for a certain breed. Or they say something like "It's a ______, we need an extra set of hands".

Image result for Dog Muzzle gif

This may seem to play into breed stereotyping depending on the tech themselves, but this is not entirely true.

Any dog can bite you. The breed does not matter. If anything, it is the size and strength.

I would rather have a muzzle ready for a giant Saint Bernard that could overpower me than a Shih Tzu. Though either could rip your face off.

So I am totally on board with having your ducks in a row in the event that your patient should have a throw down with you.

It could be Beethoven or Cujo walking through that door.

Image result for beethoven dog gifImage result for Cujo gif

Better prepared than not.

Just for funsies, I thought I'd throw some dog breeds out there and breakdown their common conceptions. Vets, techs and assistants alike will never shy away from sharing their opinions on a such a topic. Off we go!

Weimaraner (or The Silver Psychopath)
Image result for Weimaraner wide eyes
The Consensus: I have met some really chilly, really sweet Weimaraners. I have also seen some walking cling ding ding machines. It's all in the eyes...

Chinese Crested (or Should I Get Gloves?)
Image result for Chinese Crested uglyImage result for Chinese Crested
The Consensus: For the record, a Chinese Crested needs upkeep like any pet. If you're a 50 year old raspy smoker that can't even take care of themselves, you're really reflecting it in your pets too. Some of these champs can come in looking ROUGH. That bare skin can be a real touch deflector. However, I've also seen some really well kept ones like the beauty above on the right (No offense to that left one, beauty is in the eye of the beholder). The powder puff Chinese Crested can also be really adorable. Just take care of them dang it!

Dachshund (or The Wiener Dog)
Image result for dachshund weiner dog costume
The Consensus: *Insert wiener joke*

Dalmatian (or Nature's Rorschach Test)
Image result for Dalmatians
The Consensus: Visually striking, adorable and you want to save them from Cruella DeVil. They rarely come through the ER but I've met some defensive, grouchy, even snappy dalmatians. Not all 101 were angels dearies.

Image result for Border Collie
The Consensus: There is no such thing as a lazy border collie. It's not a stereotype, it's just a really good work ethic. Also, anyone I know who has them has at least four.

Pug (or Sniffle Sniffle)
Image result for PUG
The Consensus: Not every Doug is a Pug but every Pug is a precious gift! ... And a mouth breather.

Great Dane (or The Gentle Giant)
Image result for Great Danes
The Consensus: They're pretty great. Name well chosen.

Image result for HUsky
The Consensus: They're Huskies. And they need everything you've got. I've never met an aggressive Husky per se but I've definitely met a few handfuls.

Pitbull (or I Pity The Fool)
Image result for Blue Pitbull
The Consensus: Pitbulls get the worst reps of them all. They are the true testament that breed stereotypes don't matter . Because there are some absolute angel Pitbulls out there. They are powerful beings, yes. It's all in the training and care that receive from their owner.

Chihuahua (or The Napoleon Complex)
Image result for Chihuahua
The Consensus: They are the tiny but mighty. Some chihuahua owners will tell you that they are their sweet baby boos. But many will not deny their feisty side.

Remember, breed stereotypes do not make the breed. They don't even make the doggo.

So take those silly breed stereotypes and throw them out the window.
Image result for Thrown out window gif
Every dog is different.

All dogs deserve love, attention and respect.
