Why the ER Vet is So Expensive

Hey there! It's ******.

Today, we're touching base on an issue that the veterinary field is constantly at adds with: Financial concerns.

Image result for Cat rolling in money

If you're bringing you're pet to the ER, more than likely you are already stressed! The last thing you want to do is worry about cost.

At the ER vet, the clients who tend to complain the most are the most financially concerned. 

"These prices are astronomical! You guys are just about the money!" 

Image result for Vet bill comic

As an employee of the veterinary field, I can verify that this is not true. The biggest distinction between an ER for animals and an ER for people is insurance. Almost all human hospitals have insurance affiliation which cover most of their patients. Go co-pays! While pet insurance is a growing industry, many do not believe the resource is needed. 

"Fluffy's been a healthy cat her whole life, so why would we waste money on insurance?"

Then one day Fluffy gets into some lilies from the garden. Uh-oh! 

It's often a shock to clients who've never needed to bring their pets in on an emergency basis when they see what the cost of ER treatment is.

The ER vet is about quality of care and access to care. A 24 hour ER vet quite often needs to invest in a certain amount of resource in order to be accessible at any hour of the day. This factors into cost the same way it would at 7/11. Convenience and availability to treat your pet at the drop of a hat is where the cost comes from. I've had clients drive THREE HOURS to our location because no other ER vets were nearby

Image result for 24 hour neon sign gif

It's also important to remember we are a business. Would you ask Starbucks or your yoga instructor to set up a discounted payment plan for financial reasons? 

Furthermore, no one who works in the veterinary field, does it for the money. TRUST ME. It's about having a passion for animal care. 

Those who enter the field with a limited interest in animals and are salary driven...Well, they typically don't last too long. 

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It's no cake-walk at the ER vet on either side. But if your pet needs medical treatment, they need medical treatment. We'll always be happy to see and treat your pet. Just be prepared that health care, almost all kinds of health care, do come at a price. 

Aw, look at the puppers! He's got a stethoscope!!!

Image result for Puppy healthcare


  1. Thank you so much for explaining this! I will change my attitude with my vet :)


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