Animal Cruelty Cases

Salutations, it's ****** again.

These past few evenings at work have been insane.

Last night, a Lab was brought in by the fire department. It survived a house a fire. One of his owners unfortunately passed away. The doctors and techs have been working on keeping his respiratory rates up considering the smoke inhalation he suffered. We don't even know this dog's name. The surviving owner is in the hospital and has suffered a great ordeal. We wish them both a speedy recovery and to be reunited soon. I'll update you guys in the next post.

In four years, we have seen a LOT of crazy sh*t. Crazy clients. Crazy patients. Crazy cases.

Some of it is justified. People scream and shout. They're upset. We get that. I get that. No hard feelings.

Cruelty cases are a league of their own. They are unforgivable. And their stories linger with the clinic indefinitely.

The Lab's story is in no way a cruelty case but it is a reminder that tragedy strikes with no calendar in mind. Nor does cruelty.

We have seen more cruelty cases in 2018 then we ever have. Jesus, Sarah McLachlan, get on those ASPCA commercials again.

Hopefully, by sharing some of these horrendous cruelty cases, we can remind people that our pets are emotional beings just like us. NO ONE deserves to be treated so cruelly.

WARNING: These stories are graphic in nature.

#10- Vacation Planning
Image result for blue prussian cat
A student back home from college was watching his parents house while they were on vacation. They neglected to tell him they had recently adopted a cat. Jones the Cat spent three days in a room by himself with no food or water. The son walked into the room on accident and luckily found the cat.
Communication people, communication.

#9- Emerald
Image result for Fireworks green
Emerald the Pitbull liked to go after fireworks.
Her owners made sure to lock her up anytime they would light them off. It was late fall. Emmy was inside while fireworks were going off. Emmy managed to get out of the house and bite into a lit firework. Her jaw was blown off. She was immediately euthanized upon arriving at the ER.

One of the most horrifying sights I've ever seen.

#8- In The Line of Fire
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Zeus was a sweet 2 year old German Shepherd. His owner was firing his revolver off in his backyard when Zeus jumped into the line of fire. The bullet barely missed his heart. Luckily, Zeus had a quick recovery.
While his owner did not intentionally mean to shoot Zeus, it definitely walks the line between a freak accident and neglect.

#7-  Rottweiler VS Rifle
Image result for Rottweiler
This was a recent visit.
A Pomeranian strolled into a Rottweiler's yard. The Rottweiler attacked the Pomeranian.

The Pomeranian's owner heard the commotion, pulled out a rifle and shot the Rotty.

Both the Rotty and the Pom were brought in. Their Owners were immediately placed into separate rooms. The Pom was bandaged up and sent home that night. The Rotty also recovered well and went home the next day. The police took statements from everyone and stayed with the clinic all night.

#6- Cleveland
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Cleveland's owner was in the hospital when this happened.

Cleveland is a Maltese who does not like to be picked up. The owner's daughter picked up Cleveland and was subsequently bitten. This sent the older son into such a rage that he beat Cleveland until he was black and blue. Keep in mind Cleveland weighs 10 pounds.Cleveland spent a week with us in the oxygen chamber. He was later reunited with his owner.

The older son was sent to a mental institution the day of the attack.

#5- The Fish Tanks
Image result for FIsh tanks
The clinic has two fish tanks in the waiting area.
Around three o'clock in the morning, a gang of bald, tattooed men and women arrived with their Bulldog who was vomiting.
The doctor allowed the gang and their Bulldog to wait in the lobby while medications were being filled.
 There's no one at the front desk past midnight, so it was just the gang upfront. When the doctor returned, the gang and the Bulldog were gone.
The cash was still in the cash drawer and nothing appeared vandalized.
It wasn't until later when the doctor took a closer look and found that all the fish in the tanks were dead.
 To this day, we still don't know how or why.
All we know is that we had perfectly healthy fish before they showed up. There's a reason we keep our doors locked at night.

#4- Bag of Kittens
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We'll never know the perpetrator but we'll always be thankful to their good Samaritan. Two newborn kittens were found in a plastic bag on the side of the road. One kitten passed away in hospital. Their sibling managed to survive a few days at a tech's house before passing as well.

#3- Foster the People
Image result for Dog with wheel
Otis is a Wheaten Terrier with paralysis in his legs. He was with a rescue for sometime before being adopted. Otis' condition required a high amount of care than the ordinary pet.
He received the opposite.
Otis had been left alone in a room, often going without food or being escorted outside to go the bathroom. Otis had been sitting in his own urine for hours. Finally, Otis had been so irritated by the sensation that he chewed off his own legs.

Otis recovered and was later adopted by a loving family that understood his condition and needs.

#2- Pick Your Poison
Image result for Prescription drugs
A mentally unstable 25 year old woman tried to drag Mac the German Shepherd pup out of his cage.

It was two o'clock in the morning when this occurred and no one knows why the women chose to take Mac out at this time.

 Mac bit her upon frustration. The women retaliated by feeding Mac her mother's NyQuil and MS medication. Mac went into a shock induced coma. Mac stayed with us for a week and eventually recovered. The daughter was placed in a mental institution and the mother chose to press charges. The daughter would call the clinic constantly asking to speak to her parents.

The mother told her own daughter to kill herself and cut off all contact.

They would eventually make up and charges were dropped.

The daughter would never be allowed to be alone with Mac again.

#1- Ali

Image result for Smiling pitbull
Ali is a Pitbull currently living with her new loving family.

Before this, she lived in a broken and domestically unstable home.

One day, Ali's tongue was pinned under a window sill. The owner decided to slice off her tongue.

 Ali was relinquished to the clinic by her counter owner. Ali's owner, the one who committed such a vile act, was never to be seen again.

If you're still with me, just remember to take care of your animals. Neglect and cruelty to any living being is unacceptable. If you know or see a cruelty case happening, please be sure to dial 911 or contact your emergency services.

Happy Halloween! Be sure to keep your pups and kittens away from the candy. :)

Image result for Halloween puppies and kittens


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