Welcome to the ER!

Receptionist: All My Fur Babies Vet, this is ******, how can I help you?

Concerned Pet Owner: Hi, I've got a quick question, my dog is not doing well and my regular vet is closed. How much do you charge for a visit?

Receptionist: The exam fee is $120 and for any other treatment the doctor will go over an estimate with you, no treatment gets done without your consent. 

Concerned Pet Owner: $120, are you kidding?! Look, he's just got a cough, can I give him aspirin? Can I wait until my regular vet is open? Will he be okay?

Receptionist: It's totally up to your discretion. It's hard to say if your pet will be okay over the phone without an exam and I cannot recommend any over the counter medications.

Concerned Pet Owner: ??? *Hangs up uber frustrated*

Hi! My name is ******. 

I work at an emergency vet, the one place animal lovers (And I assume all people in general) do NOT want to go. And honestly, I don't blame them!
Image result for Shocked cat gif

The emergencies! The stress! The waiting! The cost! Your fur babies! How has this not become the focal point for a soap opera yet? Human ERs are the epicenter of daytime soaps... But Meredith Grey has no idea what people are capable of when you bring their pets into the mix...
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I've been a receptionist and vet assistant for almost four plus years...And I've got some drama to dish. 
We'll cover anything from common questions, bizarre cases, shady gossip  and of course, an infinitude of the cutest doggos and kitties.
Image result for Giant dog small owner
DISCLAIMER: I'm NOT a doctor! I am in no way giving any kind of medical advice nor would I want to! Please see your regular vet for that. Names and places have been changed or censored.


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